Yes, it’s Celebration Time for Jessie and Her Humans!

Hello all, it’s Jessie! After all, who else would it be? It is my blog after all! Yes, yes, yes! I know that I’ve been slow writing the old posts of late but it’s busy, busy, busy! I’ve hardly got a moment to myself. All those snoozes won’t happen on their own, you know? I have to be there to take them. Then there’s the walkies, the going to the seaside, the meeting and greeting and so on. Now, don’t sulk. After all, I’m here now for your pleasure, aren’t I? You do know that I love you all and I do put a post on the blog whenever I can. I mean I don’t just throw these blog posts together. I get my man human to throw them together… the creative process and all that. Annnnnywaaaaayyy, I’ve got my – not only excited – but also happy tail on today. The tip of my tail is actually doing circles in the air. No, really it is. The reason why? You see, today is a day of celebration in our household. Now, you know I don’t like fuss but my humans insisted on getting the bunting out and on having marching bands go past our home. There’s also something about keys to the city and honorary doctorates. You see, according to my humans who understand about times and dates – or, so they say they do it is two years to the day since I came to live with my humans in my forever home.

Yes, it is lots and lots and lots and lots of sleeps ago since I came to brighten up and bring purpose to the lives of my humans. They’re both very, very, very grateful. Yes, Jessie the little gal who just keeps on giving… I think the human word is ‘selfless’. Of course, we’ve been through a lot of toys, treats and tennis balls in that time, and I’ve got every intention of going through loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads more in the future. My humans say something about how they should invest in tennis ball companies… not certain what they mean. If it means more tennis balls, I’m all for it.

Since I’ve been with my two humans I’ve also met a lot of interesting people and doggies. You know what they say ‘Genius likes company’. Not that I am saying I’m a genius, I just expect everyone else to say so. When it comes to meeting and greeting I’m particularly fond of my trainer, Jill. Well, I say my trainer, a little brainbox with the physique of an Olympic athletic champion like me doesn’t really need training. Jill and I work together closely to train the dear little humans. Yes, it’s a very good collaboration (posh humanspeak word for working together, apparently). Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m very fond of my two humans but we do have to be firm with them sometimes. And, if I’m honest, Jill and I do have a bit of a giggle, in private, you understand when the little dears don’t get things right first time. Which is pretty often. In fact, so often that… Of course, we don’t tell them any of this. They’d only get upset, and we don’t want that, do we? We don’t want any tears at bedtime. Yes, make no mistake though, my two humans have benefited from all the extra exercise Jill and I have given them. Without being too personal, there is – shall we say – less of them these days. How can I put this more delicately: ‘TIMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ Get my drift? Yes, they’re both much trimmer and fitter now. They sort of have to be with me around – I mean – I’m no slouch. Phew! Have I been up for that long already? Excuse me, just need a quick snnnoooooooooozzzze before I carry on. Snore, snore, snore, snore, snore, snore, snore, snore, snore, snore. Ugh! Oh, where am I? Oh yes, I see, ‘Morning has Broken’, so to speak. Even though it’s actually late afternoon. Well back to the grindstone and the cut and thrust of industry. Right! Good! Okay! Let’s continue, well, as I was saying, I’m no slouch. Strong work ethic and all that… and everything and so on.

It’s very, very nice to have a forever home and have humans to care for me. I shouldn’t forget to say that there’s a lot of cuddles involved too. Looking ahead, I don’t ask for much, I’ll just be happy to have more of the same. In fact, lots ‘n’ lots ‘n’ lots ‘n’ lots ‘n’ lots ‘n’ lots more of the same… and then some more, please. And, for many a year to come too.

Now, I was formally a temporary resident of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home. They are very kindly and caring. There are also lots of other dedicated caring animal re-homing refuges and animal charities out there. Many of them have lots of great doggie divas (and divos) who need forever homes with good and caring humans. If you are a good and caring human who would love to give a pet a forever home you’ll find several refuges on the web. However, to be getting started, the Battersea Dog and Cat Home address is: No doubt there is the potential for much happiness to be had out there for both pets and humans.

Anyway, I’ve got a some ideas for my next couple of posts, so I’ll try not to leave it so long next time.

Lots of love, cuddles and licks etc.,

Jessie x.

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