Vroom! Vroom! Driving Miss Jessie

Hello all, it’s Jessie here. I’ve got my driving tail on today and I’m very excited about it.  Let me just take off my driving gloves, cap and goggles and I can tell you all about it.

Now, funny thing this, when I first came to live with my humans I was none too keen on vroom vrooms. Oh, for you humans reading this, you probably know these moving seats on wheels better as ‘cars’. Yes, anyway, as I say, there was a time when all vroom vrooms did was make me a bit queasy. In fact, they made me v. queasy. Very embarrassing, you understand. And, the humans didn’t like all the cleaning up they had to do afterwards. Apparently, it was lowering the value of the vroom vroom. Without putting too fine a point on it, let’s just say that even a teeny snack of a few biscuits didn’t stay down too long if the three of us were off on a voyage in the ol’ banger (another name humans use for vroom vrooms, don’tcha know?). Steady on!  Bangers! They’re food, aren’t they? You know how I feel about food? I like food. I like food, a lot! In fact, I LOVE FOOD!  FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Yum, yum, yum…  Oh, anyway, sticking to the point. Me and vroom, vrooms just didn’t get on. I mean, how would you feel if every time you were taken for a spin on the seats that move up and down and sideways, you went a bit green around the gills. Not great, I can assure you. Even having the windows open to let the air in didn’t always do the trick. No!  My tummy just wasn’t having it.  It rebelled against travelling at speed.  It was even worse when we got stuck in traffic jams. Yuk! How can a horrible, enormous traffic queue be named after another delicious foodstuff like jam? What were they thinking? Anyway, feeling a bit under the weather in the back of the car was also seriously cramping my style. You know me by now, I’m a young, stylish girl doggie about town. I like to get out and about, meet and greet the general public and explore the great outdoors. For me the life of the recluse, hidden behind tall walls, locking the gates and lurking in the shadows simply won’t do. Well, thankfully, over time things changed for the better. I was starting to realise that my humans were using the vroom, vroom to take l’il ol’ me to places that were fun, fun, fun! And then a bit more fun on top: parks; commons; the countryside; the seaside… I would have to be strong if I wasn’t going to miss out. Missing out is not something I like to do. It wouldn’t be polite. It wouldn’t be fun.  It’s just not the Jessie way! And, as I’m Jessie, I have to do things in the Jessie way!  Who else is going to do it? It can’t be trusted to people who aren’t Jessie! That would be silly, wouldn’t it?

Anyhow, guess what?  Somehow, miraculously, I was feeling better when I went to places in the vroom, vroom. It became less of a chore. I needed less coaxing. I would – on occasion – display my great agility and positively jump on to my seat in the vroom vroom. Of course, this was done to best effect when the vroom vroom door was opened for me. Trying to get to my seat with the doors shut was nowhere near as successful. But we were able to overcome these technical difficulties. In time there have been fewer and fewer of those unfortunate mishaps I mentioned earlier.  Now there are virtually none. These days I positively enthuse about going for a spin. Vroom vrooms and I have come to friendly terms with each other. My humans are also happier as the upholstery doesn’t need a major clean every time I’ve been in it. Some say, I’m now almost what the ‘Top Gear’ boys would call a ‘Petrolhead’ (geddit, geddit?).

In fact, things have moved on so fast that we now have a bigger vroom vroom, ‘The Jessiemobile’ (What else would it be called?). So now I have more room to spread out in the back and don’t feel the bumps in the road so much. Not only that, we now go on even longer, or should that be ‘loooooonnnnnnnngggggggeeeerrrrrrr’ trips. Why, only recently we had a weekend away to where the New Forest meets the watery bit.  I believe that humans call it ‘the coast’. It was greattttttt!!! Plenty of room to run around and take in the fresh sea air. I was even allowed to dip my paws in the wet stuff.  Very refreshing.  But for those of you that haven’t been there before, I should point out that the forest doesn’t look any newer than the older forests I’ve been to. Strange that? Don’tcha think?  Anyway, I now like vroom vrooms a lot. Well, I do, as long as they are taking me somewhere where I want to go. I think you’ll agree, it’s not nice going somewhere where you don’t want to go.  So doggie friends, make sure your humans only take you to places that you want to go to.  It only what you deserve, because you’re worth it.

Cautionary note: humans always need to be careful when taking us in vroom vrooms. We doggies need a lot of ventilation and mustn’t be locked in them. It could be dangerous.

Anyway Jessie fans, I have to love you and leave you for now. Dictating this post to my man human has quite exhausted me.  A snooze is now well overdue and not just for the human.  Ha!  Ha!  It must be at least fifteen minutes since my last one. Till next time.


Jessie (some say, the ‘Doggie Diva’) x.

P.S.  I found my humans (and their vroom vroom) through Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.  You can see other doggie divas that are looking for a nice, loving home at www.battersea.org.uk .

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