Haaappppyyy Neeeeewwwww Yeeeaaarrrr 2013 from Jessie!!!

A very, very, very HAPPY NEW YEAR from me and my humans.  We hope that 2013 brings you everything you wish for.  I’m verrrry excited about the new year and the ol’ Jessie tail is a-waggin’ away like a very excited thing indeed.  New adventures, new walkies, new food and plenty of them, thank you!  Oh, yes, I will have oodles and oooodles of things to post on my dogblog in the coming year.  For instance, now that the holidays are coming to a close, I’ll be able to get around to my post about my fitness regime.  Lots of doggies will be thinking about shedding a few pounds after all the Christmas indulgence, so that post should be just what the vet ordered.

Anyway Jessie fans, once again, have a great 2013 and be sure to keep getting your dose of Jessie by coming here to keep up with what I’m doing…


Jessie, xxx…

P.S.  By now you’ll know that I found my humans through Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.  You can see other doggie divas that are looking for a loving home at: http://www.battersea.org.uk

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