My (Jessie, that is) Fitness Regime!!!

Hello all, its Jessie here.  Have I got my excited tail on today?  You betcha!  But not only that, as I ‘SIT’ by my man human dictating this post while he types away on his computer keyboard, I’m wearing my retro-1980s Olivia Newton-John style ‘Let’s Get Physical’ gym workout headband on my head (where else?  Of course).  Cor!  That’s a very, very long sentence for me to have to say.  Especially as humanspeak isn’t even my first language.  You might be surprised to hear that as I speak it so fluently.  Clever little doggie, I think you’ll agree.  After all, in my native tongue, all I would I have to say is ‘Woof!  Woof!’ a few times, take a couple of sniffs here and there and all my doggie chums would instantly get the picture.  Much easier.  But I wouldn’t want to deprive my human readers of my news and views.  Most of them live for my latest blog post and who am I to question their excellent taste.  Look, I’m getting quite parched here with all this dictation.  Excuse me for a mo’ while I visit the ol’ water bowl for a refreshing bit of the clear, cool, wet stuff to lubricate the throat.  Slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp and a further sllluuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrp for good measure.  Mmmmmmmmmm……… a January 2013, I think, straight from the cold tap and served at room temperature.  A very fine vintage indeed!  My compliments to the chef, or whoever makes the water at this excellent establishment.  Anyway.  Good!  I’m back with my man human and his computer.   Now, pray let me continue…

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Hello all, it’s the snow princess herself, Jessie.  Wow!  Have I got my excited tail on today!  It’s been snowing today.  Of course, some of you might already know this.  Apparently, it snows in a lot of places, not just where me and my humans live.   Continue reading

Haaappppyyy Neeeeewwwww Yeeeaaarrrr 2013 from Jessie!!!

A very, very, very HAPPY NEW YEAR from me and my humans.  We hope that 2013 brings you everything you wish for.  I’m verrrry excited about the new year and the ol’ Jessie tail is a-waggin’ away like a very excited thing indeed.  New adventures, new walkies, new food and plenty of them, thank you!  Oh, yes, I will have oodles and oooodles of things to post on my dogblog in the coming year.  For instance, now that the holidays are coming to a close, I’ll be able to get around to my post about my fitness regime.  Lots of doggies will be thinking about shedding a few pounds after all the Christmas indulgence, so that post should be just what the vet ordered.

Anyway Jessie fans, once again, have a great 2013 and be sure to keep getting your dose of Jessie by coming here to keep up with what I’m doing…


Jessie, xxx…

P.S.  By now you’ll know that I found my humans through Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.  You can see other doggie divas that are looking for a loving home at:

Jessie’s Christmas Message

Dear all, yes, it’s Jessie here with her happy and festive tail on today.  You know why? Don’t you?  IT’S CHRISSSSSSSTMASSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!  It’s been a while since we last spoke but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

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My Beauty Tips

Hello all, it’s Jessie here. Today I’ve got my happy and beautiful tail on.  Sorry for taking soooo long with this latest post but me and my humans have been verrrrry busy recently.  Hope you haven’t missed me too much.  Of course … Continue reading

Guess What Jessie Fans?! I’m On Twitter

Hello all, it’s Commander Jessie here, reporting for duty.  Guess what?  I’ve got my highly excited tail on today.  Yes, I don’t think that a tail can get more excited, it’s going ten to the dozen.  Honestly, if there is a more excited tail on the market – which I very much doubt – I want to meet it!  The reason why my tail is wagging like an aeroplane propeller in flight is that my humans – Gawed bless ’em both – have got me my very own Twitter account!  Yes, l’il ol’ me can now tweet here and can now tweet there and can tweet all the places in between.  Just another example of Jessie going global!  Yes, doggies and humans, Jessiemania hits even higher heights.  Of course, being a very social doggie, social media was made for me.  Not only can I keep up with the goss with my pals and their humans but I can make even more friends and find out what they’re up to too.  Wowee!!!  I also had to pose for a profile picture for my account.  All the big fashion photographers were clambering to add me to their CVs but I decided to go with something more home produced and intimate taken by my man human.  Hope you like it?  It shows that I’m not just a pretty face but like to contemplate life, the doggie universe and the what not as well.  You know the phrase ‘brains as well as beauty’.  Surely that describes me to a T.  Look now, no time for false modesty here.  What is it the humans say: ‘if you’ve got it, flaunt it’.  Well, I’m flaunting it a-plenty and there’s plenty to go around…

Anyway, I’m simply itching to get on with this tweeting lark, even though I need my humans to handle the keyboard keys.  I hope you’ll follow my dog blog and my Twitter account.  Don’t worry, I’ll do another post in a few sleeps time.  Till then…

Love, Jessie x.

P.S.  I found my humans through Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.  You can see other doggie divas that are looking for a home at .