Jessie’s Christmas Message

Dear all, yes, it’s Jessie here with her happy and festive tail on today.  You know why? Don’t you?  IT’S CHRISSSSSSSTMASSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!  It’s been a while since we last spoke but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

While I ‘SIT!’ down next to my man human – in my Santa hat and cape (well, you have to make an effort, don’t you?) – dictating this message to him I am also feeling a little reflective as we approach year’s end.  After all it’s been a very busy year for me and I like to think that I’ve made a major contribution to our household.  In addition to starting this dogblog the list of my worthy tasks include: lots of walks (including visits to the beach); loads of tennis balls chased after (the funny thing is that I’m not even a tennis fan); plenty of post-walk snoozes; a huge number of cuddles in front of the telly; and ensuring that tonnes and tonnes of food and treats were eaten – what? I’m a growing gal!  Yep, all-in-all a verrrry productive year for yours truly.

Being a gal of simple tastes I don’t ask for much at Christmas: just lots and lots more of the stuff I’ve had all year, thank you very much.  So let the giving begin…

This is my second Christmas with my humans and now that I have my paws under the table, I’ve decided to have a bigger say about the choice of programmes on the telly.  I have been looking at a quality TV listings magazine to see what Christmas television and radio fayre there’s available for the sophisticated doggie viewer.  Of course, at this time of year there’s a lot of choice but it can be tricky finding the diamonds amongst the rough.  Film titles can also make things very confusing.  For example, I was trying to find something good and doggie relevant to watch the other day.   I was delighted when I came across a film called Dog Day Afternoon in the listings.  Naturally, with a title like that, I thought it would be about doggies going for walkies and scampering in the park.  Perfect entertainment pour moi.  Imagine my disappointment when my humans told my that the film was about a bank robbery gone wrong without a doggie in sight!  Then it happened again today!  I was looking for something to watch – in between snoozes – and couldn’t find anything that appealed.   Too late my humans asked why I wasn’t watching Lady and the Tramp.  I retorted that why would I want to watch a film about two humans from different social classes?  It turns out that it was a lovely musical doggie romcom!  D’oh!!!  (As Homer Simpson would say).  What is wrong with the people who come up with these titles?  Anyway, I’ve got my humans to record The Snowman and The Snowdog for me to watch on Christmas Day and it had better be about a snowman and a snowdog or I shall complain to the TV channel in the strongest terms!

Anyway before I sign-off till the New Year, once again, a Merry Christmas to one and all!  My thoughts and best wishes go out to everyone everywhere whose Christmas will – unfortunately – not be so merry.  Take care.  Lots of love, Jessie xxx.

P.S.  I found my humans through Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.  You can see other doggie divas that are looking for a home at .

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